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Cycling days

From Europe biggest harbour to the countryside

...Intersting route from Schuddebeurs to Burgh-Hamsteede because of the storm barriers. All in all we were very satisfied...

Frisian Eleven Cities Tour

...I think we also thought there would be opportunities to swim in the sea but the beaches we came to were not really right for swimming. I liked the towns of harlingam and dokkum and freneker where we stopped and enjoyed the planetarium. The route was good but not very varied and the distances manageable... [...]

Cycling from Amsterdam

...We loved cycling through the Dutch countryside in the sunshine enjoying the peace and quiet. Every new village was a lovely surprise...

Sand and Sea Tour

...Global level was Ok (much easier than Paris-london we did with our luggage just before :-) ) One day was too short but it was easy to extend the route with Maps. Very nice bike trip...

Cycling with Children: Back in Time

...Great for kids - not disappointed with the distances, was perfect. Routes were great!... 

Frisian Towns and Lakes Tour

...Einige Touren waren für uns Freizeitradfahrer doch recht lang, sodass wenig Zeit für Besichtigungen der schönen Dörfer usw. blieb. Wir waren mit allen Hotels recht zufrieden. [...]

The Great Rivers Tour

...Alles, betreffende mijn fietstocht, was prima geregeld. Over de bijgevoegde knooppuntenroute kan ik geen oordeel geven, aangezien ik mijn eigen routes heb bepaald. Een puntje van kritiek is dat bij 2 hotels geen diner verkrijgbaar was. [...]

Dunes and Deltaworks

...Boekje was uitstekend. De fietsknooppunten passen precies in de fietstas. De open fietsenstallingen stonden vol vaak vol met huurfietsen en andere fietsen. [...]

Randstad Holland Tour

...All in all the holiday was great. Accommodation in Dordrecht was the best...

Amsterdam - Paris

...I just returned from our bike trip from Amsterdam to Paris, and I wanted to express my gratitude for all the work and support you provided through your company. It was an incredible experience and I had a LOT of fun. I would highly recommend you to anyone and hope to make another trip with you... [...]

Amsterdam - Paris

...Alle plaatsen waren een bezoekje waard. Fijn dat de hotels steeds op loopafstand van of in de stad lagen...

IJsselmeer Grand Tour

...Huizen Nautisch Kwartier en WestCord Art Hotel in Amsterdam waren mooie hotels met airco. De route door de Weerribben vonden we geweldig mooi...

Amsterdam - Paris

...The route on the second to last day was exceptional. After riding through so many open fields, the forest was a nice change and the little medieval town was very pretty...

Amsterdam - Paris

...The ride from Amsterdam to Paris was totally trouble free. Dutch Bike Tours are to be congratulated on organizing such a good route...

Amsterdam - Paris

...10 consecutive days in the heat was challenging, would have been great with a rest day...

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