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perfect trip!
Cycling days

Holland’s Highlights Tour

"We had an absolutely fabulous time"

...We had an absolutely fabulous time. Thank you so much. [...]

North Holland Tour

"Everything was excellent"

...Thanks for your mail. Everything was excellent and we got lost only twice. [...]

Pearls of Holland

"Everything was perfect"

...We came home with no permanent damage to our bodies and souls :) Everything was perfect...even the weather was nice (we were just once soaking wet due to the storm :)) Your choice of hotels was very good and we enjoyed our trip very much. Bikes were good, luggage transportation excellent, hotel stuff friendly, breakfasts more than plentiful...all in all, we are glad that we choosed your company for our biking trip through the Netherlands. Netherlands by itself is beautiful and we enjoyed our vacation in your country. Just one remark...you printed travel guide with the intersection points is not always accurate...even the map of Netherlands bike routes that you gave us is not always describing real live situation (missing signs, contradicting signs, unexpected intersection numbers...No big deal. We have been lost few times...and always found the right way with (as you said) help of deduction and intuition. That was the fun part of the trip. I will certainly spread the name of your company among my friends... [...]

Stagecoach Tour

"Fietsvakantie was erg leuk"

...De fietsvakantie was erg leuk mede dankzij het mooie weer. De laatste dag hebben wij afgeweken van de route en zijn over de Veluwe gefietst. Wij hebben geen gebruik gemaakt van het bagagetransport en dan is de prijs naar onze mening niet helemaal in verhouding met de dienstverlening, maar dat is uiteraard onze eigen keus geweest... [...]

Dunes and Deltaworks

"We had a great time."

...Everywhere we stayed was fantastic.  The food was all lovely.  Everyone was really welcoming.  When we had a problem with one of the bikes it was sorted quickly.  The weather was really good...

Holland’s Highlights Tour

"Thank you for the wonderful Holiday"

...Thank you for a wonderful Holiday, one of the best we have ever had. We were pleased with the quality of the bikes. They were just right for the type of riding we were doing. The hotels were all well chosen, clean and very comfortable. [...]

Stagecoach Tour

"Mooie natuur en steden"

...Wij hebben genoten van onze fietsvakantie zowel qua weer als de mooie natuur, steden etc. Wat is Nederland toch mooi, zeker als je het per fiets mag bekijken!... [...]

Dunes and Deltaworks

"We hebben genoten"

...We hebben ten zeerste genoten van onze 5 dagen op de fiets met prachtig weer! We waarderen de organisatie van Dutch Bike Tours die perfect is verlopen met vriendelijke service in de hotels...   [...]

Amsterdam - Bruges

"Heerlijke fietsweek!"

...We hebben een heerlijke fietsweek achter de rug, afgezien van de eerste dag waar we door wegopbrekingen vele kilometers verder moesten dan de bedoeling. Het hotel bij dordrecht lag te ver van het centrum. [...]

Holland’s Highlights Tour

"Genoten van de Hollandse Hoogtepunten"

...Zowel onze Amerikaanse vrienden als wij hebben genoten van de fietsvakantie, Hollandse Hoogtepunten. De organisatie was prima, alle hotels waren zeer goed. Het transport van de bagage is goed verlopen. [...]

Bilderberg Western Veluwe Tour

"We would have preferred more trips to town centres"

...Notes should include cafes and we would prefer more trips to town centres. We enjoy seeing town centres as well as forests! [...]

Bilderberg Groot Heideborgh Star Tour E-W

"We had a lovely cycling holiday"

We had a lovely cycling holiday, thank you! All your arrangements were perfect. Our only suggestions would be: an instruction leaflet be included with the mileage counter an 'Allen' key be provided so that the handlebars can be repositioned. The weather was glorious and the countryside beautiful. [...]

Frisian Towns and Lakes Tour

"Your personal attention was greatly appreciated"

... First thank you for your hospitality at your office, the libations and the tour information/orientation. [...]

Hoge Veluwe National Park Tour

"The hotels were all very good and comfortable"

...Thanks for the email and thank you for organising our tour. We had great weather and enjoyed the varied scenery, towns and villages along the way. [...]

Amsterdam - Bruges

"I had a great time!"

...I wish it hadn’t rained so hard on the Wednesday but that is always the risk you take with an outdoor activity like cycling. I found the routes easy to follow but did get lost briefly a couple of times (once when the path was being repaired and was blocked and the other when I missed the turn). [...]
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