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Cycling days

Amsterdam - Bruges

...Travel through nice towns, picking your own places to stop and get a beverage or some food was very nice. We stopped at a small place in Sirjans and meet a very nice couple who owned the place. Roads good and very impressed with the bicycle paths in Netherlands. [...]

North Holland Tour

...This was one of my most favourite holidays ever. The tour was well planned and the scenery beautiful. Accommodation superb, luggage transfers fab, one small issue was very quickly resolved. [...]

Northern Lake IJssel Tour

...Die Radwege in Holland sind alles sehr gut, sogar wenn sie durch den Wald führen. Die Wegbeschreibung ist hervorragend mit den Punkten zur Orientierung und die Ziffern für die Wegstrecke... 

Amsterdam - Bruges

...Everything was well organized! The staff at all the hotels were helpful & friendly... 


Pearls of Holland

...Not sure there's a flatter country on the planet :) We really enjoyed the whole trip - such a beautiful country and such a great way to see it!...

From Europe biggest harbour to the countryside

  Ich bedanke mich ganz herzlich bei allen, die an der Organisation meiner Radreise. Die Tour von Rotterdam nach Willemstad, Noordgouwe, Vlissingen, Burgh Haamstede, Brielle und wieder zurück nach Rotterdam war hervorragend. Radfahren gefällt mir generell sehr gut. [...]

Beach and Towns Tour

...Die Tour bietet sehr Abwechslungsreiche Landschaften: Strecken dem Meer entlang und durch die Dünen, Staädte wie Den Haag , Wege den Kanälen entlang durch die Tulpen Feldern und die 3 bis 4 Stern Hotels bitten einen netten Komfort...

Cyclist red tulips

Tulip Tour

...It took us all round the tulip fields and to all the points of interest including Keukerhof Gardens...

The Green Heart Tour

...It was excellent, varied and just lovely. I loved pretty much every minute...

Cyclist red tulips

Tulip Tour

...Good follow up from staff while on the trip, good points of interest along the routes identified in the route packets. We were ages 12-70. All ages completed the lengths with no issues. [...]

IJsselmeer sportiv tour

We had a very good time in spite of the bad weather ... The paper materials and maps you provide are very good. Sometimes (I believe I counted 6 times over all 7 days, which is not many times) there are errors in the knooppunts where the next knp on your daily map is not listed on the sign. The supplemental maps you provided were helpful resolving those cases, but several times I also had to refer to maps on my phone to figure out our route.  We eventually found our way back to the route every time, and the knp system in Netherlands is absolutely wonderful.We will hope to return to Netherlands and bicycle there some more ... [...]

The Big Cities Tour

... Just returned from Netherlands, having used your services and just want to thank you for everything. I made the Big Cities tour and it was just amazing! The selection of cities could not have been better. [...]

Bruges - Amsterdam

... Die Reise ab Brügge, wo wir uns einen Tag aufgehalten haben, ist sehr schön. Wir haben viel Interessantes gesehen. [...]

Bruges - Amsterdam

...I want to thank you and your team on handling all the logistics on our recent trip from Brugge to Amsterdam.  All ten of us had an outstanding time.  Hotels were great, daily bike maps worked perfectly,  the route was very beautiful,  and the luggage was always at the hotel when we arrived.  I would recommend you to anyone who wants to experience the charm and beauty of the Netherlands on a bike,  which by the way is the only way travel in the Netherlands...

Pearls of Holland

...My wife and I have recently returned from our second bike tour of the Amsterdam area organised by your excellent company.  ..... we are a bit hooked on cycling in Holland and it would be good to see a bit more of your lovely country...

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